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The (r)evolution began long ago...
now the (r)evolution goes viral.
Inner change is revolutionary. It cannot help but be so.
Changing yourself makes it so you no longer fit into the structures in your life.
Escaping your current life is revolutionary.
Changing yourself changes the morphogenetic field of the human race.
Changing the human race is revolutionary.
At some point in your life, anything less than this gets boring.
But revolution is not a solo sport.
Making new things possible for others makes them possible for you.
Here is how to evolve and grow up: commit to helping 2 other people evolve and grow up.
With two commitments you have a 3Cell.
3Cells are about making the (r)evolution conscious.
3Cells Grow Organically With The 'Infinity Gene'
In the global network of 3Cells everyone is connected to everyone else.
This means that you can get to anywhere from here.
Here is how it happens:
The 'Infinite Gene' is the basic design of a 3Cell - two Circles connected through a doorway.
You are the doorway between the two Circles in your 3Cell.
You are the yellow person in this diagram.
Each of the 2 Circles in a 3Cell has 3 people.
You are in both Circles, - the connector between the 2 Circles!
This Infinite Gene - including both Circles and all 5 people - is your 3Cell.
Your 3Cell automatically calls in the Bright Principles of Connection Commitment and Conscious-Change.
Your 3Cell already has 2 Circles, so you have the energy, the clarity, and the support to grow.
Then each of the 4 others in your 3Cell Holds Space for two more people to join the second Circle of their 3Cell.
When your 4 other 3Cell people make the second half of their 3Cell... suddenly there are five 3Cells!
Now there are thirteen 3Cells!!
After that we lose count of how many 3Cells there are. They expand out in all directions, and you are connected to everyone.
Cool things about 3Cells are that:
- There is no hierarchy.
- There is no top-down or bottom-up.
- There is no center of authority.
Each person is the center of an expanding Global Network of 3Cells, spreading out in 3-dimensions like the white threads of mushroom mycelia underground, connecting everybody with everything, all dedicated to supporting each other's evolutionary lives.
3Cell collaborations are fed by the Bright Principles of:
- Connection
- Commitment
- Clarity
- Conscious-Change
...a living evolving organism: the global network of 3Cells.
Evolution goes viral.
How 3Cells Work
1Decide To Be In A 3Cell
Perhaps someone invited you to join their 3Cell and you accepted their offer.
Perhaps you found this website by 'accident'.
In either case, you begin with a Team of 3 to make the first Circle of a 3Cell.
But each 3Cell has 2 Circles of 3. You are in both Circles of 3.
Why 2 Circles?
Because then you always have a backup. No matter what happens there will be someone available to turn the lights of awareness on so everyone can see what is lurking in the Shadows.
This is the Pirate Agreement in your 3Cell... to wake each other up.
To be present.
To keep moving.
To keep evolving.
To Connect. To Commit. To Consciously-Change.
You now have a home of like-minded friends that is there to support each other's evolution.
2One Team
Sooner or later, each person in your 3Cell will Connect with 2 other people to fill out their own Second Circle.
You might not know who is in the Second Circle of your buddies in either of your 2 Circles.
This does not matter.
They are interconnections in the Global Network of 3Cells... there when you need them.
The Global Network of 3Cells is one Team.
This matters.
3'Mike Check'
(microphone check)
Radical responsibility means you share what you learn.
This is how the Treasure grows, by giving it away. The more we give the Treasure away, the bigger it becomes.
When someone somewhere in the global 3Cell network shouts 'mike check' as we learned in #occupy, someone in your 3Cell hears it first.
It is that person's responsibility to pass on the 'mike check' to the other people in both Circles of their 3Cell.
In this way communications spread suddenly throughout the global network of 3Cells.
This is how trees in the forest communicate with the other trees in the forest through the fungus in their roots. Shout, "Mike Check!" Then the information comes.
The flow is organic and duplicatable.
4Make Your 3Cell Website
"What? I thought the Cells were supposed to be secret? Make a website and everything becomes public!"
There is nothing secret in the 3Cell global network.
The secret keeps itself.
The secret hides in plain sight.
You cannot see what you do not have the Matrix to see. Think how many years it took you to find this website...
3Cells support Connection, Commitment, and Conscious-Change.
Conscious-Change is transformation, evolution, upgrading Thoughtware, becoming more Present and more aware.
Your life expands when you use the intelligence of your 5 Bodies, standing up and speaking out with your Real Voice to say what works, what is not working, and what else is Possible.
Love flows and grows through radical honesty and radical responsibility.
Conscious-Change is the most painful stuff in the world. You think people want this?
No way!
People run like hell from increased awareness.
Modern citizens are not initiated. Authentic adulthood initiations were banned 6000 years ago as the patriarchies began wiping out the matriarchies.
We are not even initiated about the need for initiations.
When you make your 3Cell website, use '3cell' in its name and #3cell in its description. Then we can find each other.
If you want, send us the link to your 3Cell website and we will post it here on this website.
The global network of 3Cells is growing. Wherever you are, you can be part of it.
More Fun is Possible than you might have been aware of.
A "Mike Check!" Is A Chain Reaction
natural chaotic efficiency
What Happens In Your 3Cell?
This is straightforward and simple. The purpose of your 3Cell is to support each other's Evolution.
If you learn something amazing... who are you gonna tell? Many people might think you're nuts. The people who thrive on what you thrive on, bring them into your 3Cell. Then you don't have to worry about 'being arrested' for being 'weird'. Instead you will be loved for it!
The main questions you ask each other are:
- What are your 3 Experiments? Try to be clear and specific so I can understand and support you.
- How is each Experiment going? What are you learning? What works? What is not working? What are your questions about that?
- What can I do to give you more courage to take your next Evolutionary steps in each Experiment?
What do we mean by 'Evolution'? What evolves? The list of what in you has the potential to evolve is inexhaustible. For example:
- Your ability to perceive.
- Your sense of noticing what is happening inside of you and around you and in others and between you.
- Your degree of awareness about what is happening in groups, in families, in projects, in Teams.
- Your capacity to create new results even if the circumstances have not changed (e.g. solve problems, make money, invent possibilities, etc.)
- Your ability to make linear and nonlinear offers for connection and collaboration to that more love happens in the world.
- Your skills at negotiating 5 Body intimacies, etc. etc. etc.
Promoting and enhancing Evolution keeps your life alive and full of new experiences. Encouraging other people to evolve makes for amazing relationships and High-Level-Fun!
There is so much to discover and learn that mainstream modern culture knows nothing about. Your 3Cell is an adventure Team for exploring what else completely different from this is possible for each of you right now.
The way of your 3Cell is Connection, Commitment, Clarity, and Conscious-Change. These are Bright Principles.
Bright Principles are forces of nature that provide energy, clarity, and possibility when you meet in their name.
CONNECTION starts with learning to meet someone where they are in their 5 Bodies with where you are in your 5 Bodies. To connect means to follow and support, to Be With. Connection is founded on listening, noticing, receiving communications.
COMMITMENT starts with paying attention to what is, not what you hope, what you wish for, what could be... but what is. When you keep one foot in a clear assessment of current reality, the other foot can go with a person into a journey of what is possible. When you clarify what someone wants to commit to for themselves to create in the Inner Permaculture World and the Outer Permaculture World, then you can commit to that. Friendships thrive when you commit to what someone else is committed to. This is the way of 3Cell.
CLARITY comes from making distinctions about what is so and what is Possible. Distinctions create Clarity. Clarity gives you the Power to Choose, Declare, Question, and take Actions.
CONSCIOUS-CHANGE means to get in alignment with Evolution. Why Evolution? When you ask yourself about the purpose of the Universe, what do you find? If you look around for a while it may become obvious that what is trying to happen is the Evolution of Consciousness.
More clearly stated, what is emerging is the Evolution of the Consciousness about the Evolution of Consciousness... the awareness of the possibility of becoming more aware of what you are aware of. If you did not know that you did not know about this, you are in for a Fun ride!
At any one time it is only possible for a person to keep track of one, two, or perhaps three change initiatives.
These are the jobs on your bench. This is your experimental playing field.
Your secret life is about keeping three new behavior experiments going at the same time.
Some of the Experiments are short-term, one-time, experiences.
Some of your Experiments will be long-term practices that only end when you enter the fourth stage of the Learning Spiral: Unconscious Competence. In other words, the Experiment is over when your natural behavior has absorbed your new practices and it no longer feels like practice. It feels like who you are now.
Each of your 5 Bodies has the capacity to notice, sense, detect, define, and distinguish new subtleties in experience. Through your evolving set of 3 Experiments you can keep building on this forever because there is no top end!
During authentic evolution the shape of your Being changes through incorporating new Distinctions in your 5 Bodies.
When your Being changes shape the Universe is forced to automatically interact with you differently.
This is how you know that your Experimenting and your Learning and your Practicing has been successful: your circumstances evolve. Without asking, people start giving you different feedback. You meet new people, perceive new opportunities, get new jobs to do on your bench, and you see things differently. This is when it is time to start over again being incompetent in a new domain by starting your next Experiment. Your 3Cell is there to support you (and you to support them) through your evolution and discovery journeys.
Which experiment should you do next? Ask your 3Cell!
3Cells can meet with other 3Cells to creatively collaborate at 'Possibility Teams'.
A Possibility Team is an actual face-to-face meeting that happens once a week at someone's home for a couple of hours for the purpose of creating linear and nonlinear Possibilities for each other. It is creative collaboration party time!
There are hundreds of Possibility Teams meeting around the world. You can find a listing of them HERE.
If there is no Possibility Team meeting regularly near you, you can go to possibilityteam.org and download your free PDF Possibility Team Handbook and start your own. Then you can list your Possibility Team for others to find. The Possibility Team website also offers hundreds of exploration doorways to enrich your 3Cell's Transformation and High Level Fun.
Being A Team
why and how we come together
Teams originate to fulfill various needs.
One kind of Team could be called a 'Uniform Team'.
What is a 'Uniform Team'?
Members of a 'Uniform Team' all wear the same uniform.
That, of course, is a simplified and generalized definition, yet it gives you a simple place to start understanding what a Uniform Team might be about.
The way a Uniform Team makes decisions is by some kind of unanimous vote, whether that is 51% majority, Consensus Minus One, the Resistance Method, or the choice of the Benevolent Dictator, all is chosen together.
The result is the assumption that the members of a Uniform Team should all agree.
They should use the same thoughtware.
They should seek equality.
They should not make creative moves until after they have presented their idea and the whole Team agrees that they should go ahead and create the thing.
The motivation for being on a Uniform Team can come from a longing for being accepted, fitting in, finding a family of like-minded friends, and knowing about and approving what the Team is up to.
On a Uniform Team the Team's evolutionary steps are somehow more predictable, organized, comprehensible, and... uniform.
Another kind of Team could be called a 'Transformation Team'.
What is a 'Transformational Team'?
Members of a 'Transformational Team' have in common that they are ongoingly in some kind of Transformational process. Their 'uniformity' is their chaos.
The foundation for how a Transformational Team makes decisions is radical trust and radical reliance.
Radical Trust is, "I trust myself to take care of myself around your creations."
Radical Reliance is, "I rely on your reliance on me," which includes that there are Pirate Agreements between Transformational Team members to stay in Transformation creation and to stay communicating what they are discovering.
One Transformational Team member may have no idea what another Transformational Team member is creating, and yet they still can love them and trust them and rely on them to keep creating and learning (going around the Learning Spiral) and sharing what they are creating and learning.
The main creation criteria on the Transformational Team is:
- Does it deepen our shared Context?
- Is it safe enough to try?
- Is it good enough for now?
Our research is revealing that each person is born with a potential connection to their own unique 'Archetypal Lineage'.
Your 'Archetypal Lineage' is the service you are turned on and naturally skilled to provide to your Village. Some people refer to your Archetypal Lineage as your 'calling' or your 'destiny'.
Your connection to your Archetypal Lineage is merely a 'potential connection' because your destiny is optional. This means that you have a choice about whether you live as your Archetypal Lineage in action, or not. Your life does not become the dance floor for your Archetypal Lineage until you choose that. Most people don't.
We are discovering that after you balance out the distortions from school and modern culture in your Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Energetic Bodies, then your 'fifth body' activates and comes online. Your fifth body includes the parts of you that naturally interact with your Archetypal possibilities, so we call your fifth body your 'Archetypal Body'.
Your adult ego state is the gateway to your Archetypal domains, where life human life actually starts to make sense.
Who would you need to become to have the capacity to choose to live as your Archetypal Lineage? (This is what we would classify as an 'interesting' question, one that it would be life-changing to find experiential - not theoretical - answers to...)
Jacking-in to your Archetypal Lineage only makes sense after you have made some significant steps along your adulthood initiation path, otherwise, when your Archetypal Lineage sends a job down the tube onto your bench and asks you to give a talk at a conference, or to go connect with a project team you don't know to make them a nonlinear possibility offer, or to land a specific distinction in a Space to make something completely different possible, and you are (your Box is...) too afraid to do this, then the assignment gets stuck in your tube. Another job comes down the tube and gets stuck behind the first not-done job. It does not take long before your tube is jammed up with undone jobs from your Archetypal Lineage and it is a mess. Better not to jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage until you are willing and able to do the jobs that land on your bench.
Yet the potential connection to your Archetypal Lineage tends to secretly influence your preferences. In case you want to become more aware of what is going on in your Archetypal Lineage department, here are a couple of notes.
We are finding that Archetypal Lineages tend to fall into four nameable categories:
- Earth Guardians
- Village Weavers / Intimacy Navigators
- Evolutionaries (Trainers, the Witches Circle, Transformation Guides)
- Gameworld Builders
Our current research is showing that:
- Earth Guardians and Village Weaving Intimacy Navigators tend to prefer to be in Uniform Teams.
- Evolutionaries and Gameworld Builders tend to prefer to be in Transformational Teams.
This could explain why when a gameworld gets to the size that it requires a Meta Ring to take care of the overall gameworld needs, when the whole gameworld comes together it is best to use a Meeting Technology that satisfies both Uniform Teams and Transformational Teams at the same time!
Fortunately, just such a Meeting Technology exists! It is called 'Torus Technology'.
In a Torus Technology meeting, you enter a 'Divergence' phase and spend creation and private meeting time with your own Archetypal Lineage or specific projects, and then you come back into a 'Convergence' phase and share decisions that were made, report on your projects, reorganize teams, and prepare for the next 'Divergence'. In this way your gameworld lives because it breathes out through Divergence and breathes in through Convergence.
3Cell Experiments
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Can Explain To Others About Building Gameworlds
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.01
"You never change things by fighting the existing gameworlds. You change things by building new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
Your 3Cell is a 'gameworld' which is part of the Global Network of 3Cells gameworld.
You do not already know about gameworlds because knowledge about gameworlds is not presented in modern culture education, not even at the graduate level. This is because gameworlds are like living organisms and have a natural tendency to protect themselves from change... including the university and school system.
That time is over.
We human beings interact with each other through gameworlds which we have constructed out of nothing and which we decide to play in together. Checkers, soccer, school, religion, towns, government, money, insurance, property ownership, rent, taxes, driving licenses, banks, loans, credit cards, phone contracts, the grocery store, the post office, etc. etc. etc. are all gameworlds we have created out of nothing. They each have a context, distinctions, thoughtware, and rules of engagement written in a Codex.
We were not taught about our power to create and modify gameworlds because the gameworlds try to protect themselves from being changed. That time is over. The secret is out.
This Experiment is to gain practical experience using distinctions about gameworlds by doing the experiments in these three S.P.A.R.K.s together:
Spark-057-en: A problem signals the start of the next gameworld.
Spark-146-en: Either you consciously design each gameworld you live in or you are a pawn in someone else’s gameworld.
Spark-170-en: You may fear archetypal love because it leaves civilization behind as a stupid gameworld.
If this stuff turns you on it could be that your Archetypal Lineage is in the Gameworld Builders category! You might even consider participating in a Gameworld Builders Lab. Check it out at 4lineages.mystrikingly.com.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.01. Thank you.
Make Your 3Cell Website Together
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.02
The Make Your Website website will take you by the hand and walk you through the steps. It is easy. You can do it for free. Just start. It will always be a draft because you are on the path of Evolution!
Tell us what each of your Bright Principles are!
Tell us what your projects are!
Tell us how you can support others in the Global Network of 3Cells to thrive!
Tell us what you each need for your next Evolutionary steps.
Tell us what Experiments and Practices you are each doing.
Tell us what your Liquid States are about.
Tell us what you have discovered and how other 3Cells can learn more about that.
If you send your finished 3Cell website URL to us (clinton at nextculture dot org), we will put it on this 3Cell website. Please also send us a 300x300 logo for your 3Cell.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.02. Thank you.
Learn The Language Of Next Culture Through The Distinctions Of Archiarchy
Experiment 3CELLSxx.03
If you cannot distinguish something, it remains invisible to you even if the opportunity it offers sits right in front of your nose.
Next Culture - the culture that naturally emerges after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course - archiarchy - sits right in front of your nose!
Archiarchy is the culture that arises from archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men.
Archiarchy is abundant with astonishingly fruitful and beneficial opportunities... if you can see them. If you don't see the doorway, you can't go through the doorway...
This Experiment is that each time you come together in your 3Cell, make it a custom to randomly choose a distinction at Distinctionary.xyz to explore together. It won't take long before new doorways of opportunity open up for you to explore together.
After you make this agreement, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.03. Thank you.
Build Matrix By Doing S.P.A.R.K. Experiments Together
Experiment 3CELLSxx.04
When you integrate new distinctions you change the shape of your Being and then the Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO) automatically gives you more interesting jobs on your bench, new circumstances to work in.
Doing S.P.A.R.K. experiments together Builds your Matrix and creates so much High Level Fun people will wonder what you are up to.
You can receive a random S.P.A.R.K. each week by subscribing HERE.
You can receive the latest S.P.A.R.K.s by email once per month if you subscribe to this newsletter.
This Experiment is to read and work through your first S.P.A.R.K. in your 3Cell.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.04. Thank you.
Come Together In Your 3Cell For The Purpose Of Going On Discovery Journeys
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.05
Read through the Discovering website together. Make the decision to include Discovery as the purpose or possibly one of the Bright Principles of your 3Cell.
Practice going on an energetic Discovery Journey together in your next meeting.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.05. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Understands About Their 4 Brains
Experiment 3CELLSxx.06
In each person, one of their 4 Brains tends to be dominant. Each brain has its own needs, its own values, its own orientation to time, details, and other people.
One brain-type can drive another brain-type crazy with the differences until you learn that you need all four brain intelligences in your Team to balance things out.
This Experiment is to figure out each person's dominant Brain Type: Green, Red, Blue, or Yellow.
Getting clarity about the 4 Brains helps relax tensions and to appreciate the value of the different perspectives.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.06. Thank you.
Meet Your 3Cell At The 'Spaceport' of StartOver.xyz To Launch Yourselves Out Into Your Next Explorations
Experiment 3CELLSxx.07
Everyone already knows we need to change our thinking, change what we think with, change what we think about, change the level of responsibility of our actions...
Yes. But how!?! Start Over by Learning To Play!
StartOver.xyz is a transformational learning environment - a new kind of classroom - a multidimensional online book full of side-doors and moving staircases - where you follow whatever sparks your interest - whatever you need to know Right Now - bouncing around through over 425 interlinked evolving websites that overflow with real-world Experiments to try.
Each Experiment you do builds matrix in you which expresses as more responsible and aware capabilities.
Each time you enter the StartOver.xyz gameworld you are a different person. You've learned things. You have a different quality of attention, new questions, whole new problems to solve. Your new needs lead you straight to surprising new opportunities in StartOver.xyz through doorways you could not see before. There are levels and dimensions at StartOver.xyz that are invisible to you until you are ready, until you need their treasures, and then Badda-Boom! There they are waiting for you!
We ask you to register your 'Matrix Points' for each Experiment you do at StartOver.xyz so that we can document how we upgrade the morphogenetic field of the human race together.
Learning new ways of thinking - upgrading your 'thoughtware' - is so much Fun at StartOver.xyz that people keep calling it a game: a massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation adventure-game, open 24/7/365 for everyone around the world for free!
Let's create regenerative human cultures on Earth together!
The r(e)volution goes viral!
This Experiment is once a week choose a new StartOver.xyz website to read through out loud together during your 3Cell meeting and choose which Experiments you will do together.
After doing this Experiment the first time, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.07. Thank you.
Read A Recommended Matrix-Building Book Together
Experiment 3CELLSxx.08
Exploring is pure food for your Being. Your 3Cell is about Exploring.
Wherever two or more are gathered in the name of Connection, Commitment, and Conscious-Change, miraculous things happen. You can count on it!
This Experiment is to read through the Go Explore website together, then choose a book from the Recommended Book List to Go Explore!
After completing this Experiment for the first time, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.08. Thank you.
Study These Matrix-Building Possibilitator Training Films Together
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.09
Here is a list of over 150 Possibilitator Training Films to watch.
Arrange to all watch the same film at the same time (together at the same place or at different places simultaneously). Then, after watching the film, share with each other about what you take from it, such as:
- Examples of being a Possibilitator.
- Examples of implementing nonlinear intelligence.
- Distinctions being made.
- Training practices and approaches.
- Ideas about next culture - archiarchy, and the journey to create and occupy it.
- The Bright Principles or Archetypal Lineages at work.
- The Stands people take.
- The Flux Points and Liquid States people went through.
- Etc.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.09. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Can Elegantly Hold And Navigate Transformational Space
Experiment 3CELLSxx.10
The Space determines what is Possible. Who is Creating, Holding, and Navigating your 3Cell Spaces?
The Context and Purpose and Possibility of a Space determine the interactions and outcomes in that Space.
This Experiment is to spend 30 minutes where one person is the Spaceholder, one person is the Coach, and one person is the Client or Audience. Practice Spaceholding with real time Feedback and Coaching. Go! Beep! Shift! Go!Do whatever you can to help each other improve your abilities to Declare, Transform, Hold Space, and Navigate Space.
Modern culture teaches nothing about this. It is a whole new set of skills and play space.After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.10. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Distinguishes Their Box From Their Being
Experiment 3CELLSxx.11
You have a Box. You needed it to survive your childhood and school. When you turn 18 years old, the thing that protected you now becomes your prison. Your childhood survival strategies are the chrysalis in which your Being can grow enough capacity to be responsible for engaging the authentic adulthood initiations.
Call it your ego, your comfort zone, your identity, your belief system, your worldview, your psychology, your defense strategy... call it whatever you want. We call it your 'Box'.
You have a Box. You are not your Box. But if you are still inside of your Box after 18 years old, you are missing adult life in the world.
This Experiment is to coach each other to write down a clear description of your Box Mechanics and Reactivity in your Beep! Books. Learn to say, "My Box is freaking out, but I am not."
See if you can directly experience your Being. What does it feel like? What is it capable of?
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.11. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Is Consciously Distinguishing The 2 Dramas
Experiment 3CELLSxx.12
There is a Space where it is impossible to be a victim, where there is no such thing as a problem, where you are not in a situation, where what is, is, as it is, here and now, and where you have the power of transformation.
You won't find that Space if you cannot discern between the 2 Dramas, or if your Low Drama Detector is not activated.
There is a difference between Low Drama - which is full of pain and suffering, and High Drama - which is full of evolution and High Level Fun. But we cannot even begin to talk about High Drama until you can viscerally Detect an invitation to Low Drama from 100 meters away.
This Experiment is to have one person be the Possibilitator, one person be the Coach, and one person be the Low Drama Provider (Gremlin). Coach gives the Possibilitator real-time Coaching (Go! Beep! Shift! Go!) while the Possibilitator makes efforts to change Low Drama into High Drama.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.12. Thank you.
Dedicate Your 13 Next 3Cell Meetings To Getting Better At Applying The 13 Tools On Your Possibilitator Toolbelts
Experiment 3CELLSxx.13
This Experiment is to dedicate each of your 13 next 3Cell meetings to practice one Tool of the 13 PM Tools on your PM Toolbelt with Coach, Possibilitator, and Client delivering you of real time Go! Beep! Shift! Go! coaching.
The 13 Tools are:
- Belt Buckle - for centering.
- Clicker - for declaring Grounding Cord, your Bubble of Space, Black Holes, etc.
- Sword of Clarity - for making distinctions.
- Voice Blaster - for shooting external authority voices.
- Disk Of Nothing - for staying Unhookable.
- Bag Of Things - for finding Nonlinear Possibilities.
- Wand Of Declaration - for Declaring things.
- Hammer Of Assertion - for establishing and expanding new space.
- Possibility Paint Brush - for assembling story worlds.
- Is Glue for making Stories, and Is Glue Dissolver for taking Stories apart.
- Purpose Sniffer - for detecting the Purpose of actions and spaces .
- Red Cloth - for letting the bull pass you by and conserving your energy.
- Jakobs Ladder - for nonlinear space hopping.
Plus... there are more energetic PM Tools stashed on other parts of your body than your Toolbelt. Find them at the 13 Tools website.
You were given these Tools at birth. Too bad no one taught you about them at school. The teachers had forgotten... I am sure.
Nobody can learn to use these tools for you.
Nobody can stop you from learning to use these tools.
You will be able to create New Results after you learn to use these 13 Tools.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.13. Thank you.
Dedicate The Next 99 Days Of Your 3Cell To Becoming Unhookable
Experiment 3CELLSxx.14
If someone hooks you into a Low Drama you lose your capacity to be Present and take Action... even if the Action is to do one of the 4 types of Listening.
Your 3Cell is a perfect place to strengthen your attention muscles to Become Unhookable!
This Experiment is to agree in your 3Cell to dedicate each of the next 99 days to helping each other practice one of the 99 Ways To Become Unhookable.
You will be a very different 3Cell after creating so much High Level Fun together!
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.14. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Can Experientially Distinguish and Communicate Their Feelings
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.15
Having Feelings is not a design error from Gaia.
There is a difference between living your life on the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings or living your life on the New Thoughtmap of Feelings.
The difference is huge.
You need the clear energy and information of your separated feelings to use as rocket fuel to deliver the services of your Archetypal Lineage to your village.
This Experiment is to adopt the custom in your 3Cell of when you feel something you tell the others, "I feel angry/sad/glad/scared at ____ percent intensity (from 1% to 100%) because __________________ ."
After making the agreement in this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.15. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Is Ongoingly Distinguishing Between Their Own And Others' Feelings And Emotions
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.16
Feelings are completely different from Emotions.
If you do not know this difference, your relations and communications will be very confusing and ineffective.
If your emotional experience is lasting longer than 3 minutes, it is not a Feeling from the present. It is an Emotion from the past, from others, from a belief system, from your Gremlin, or from an energetic vampire entity.
Feelings are for handling things.
Emotions are for healing things.
This Experiment is to make the agreement in your 3Cell to ongoingly distinguish between Feelings and Emotions, to use The Purple Card to identify Emotional Reactivity, and to use Emotions for Transformational Emotional Healing Processes.
After making the agreement in this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.16. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Has Turned On Their Gremlin Detectors
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.17
Your Box has an active part to protect itself. The active part of your Box is called your 'Gremlin'. Your Gremlin is not bad, or wrong, or stupid. He merely serves Unconscious Purposes to assure that everything stays the same for you, because that is how you survived your childhood.
Through authentic adulthood initiatory processes you can establish a conscious relationship to your Gremlin where you own him rather than him owning you.
Then the Gremlin serves you as an endless source of nonlinear Possibility.
This Experiment is to make that each of you keep your Gremlin consciously at your side as an ally with a short leash around its neck so that your Gremlin does what you ask of it. This policy is no matter what to not use your 3Cell as a Gremlin Feeding place.
After making the agreement in this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.17. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Is Ongoingly Hunting Their Gremlin
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.18
No one can catch your Gremlin but you.
No one can stop you from catching your Gremlin... except maybe your Gremlin.
If your Gremlin is not your ally, then your life sucks, because - out of your awareness - your life is about serving the Shadow Principles of your Gremlin.
Your 3Cell is the perfect Team to help you hunt your Gremlin and put him on a conscious diet. This Experiment is to go through the Gremlin Hunting process together.
After doing this Experiment, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.18. Thank you.
Decontaminate Your Adult Ego State From Your Gremlin, Child, and Parent Ego States
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.19
It is a powerful Survival Strategy to mix your Gremlin Ego State in with your Adult Ego State (or to mix in Child Ego State, or Parent Ego State)... (or to mix in some combination of 2 of the Ego States)... (or to mix in all three Ego States).
Then when anyone wants you to be more responsible, your Gremlin can attack them and you can survive as you are.
The problem is, this Survival Strategy becomes very costly and painful to Decontaminate later, for example, when you are over 18 years of age and you would really like to be able to go through the Adult Ego State and begin exploring the Archetypal Ego States and domains. You cannot explore Archetypal if your Adult Ego State is contaminated. You won't fit through the doorway.
Successful Decontamination can take a year or two of dedicated practice with a Team who can help you spot your Gremlin behavior and move it back to the Gremlin Ego State where it belongs. 3Cell is perfect for this effort.
This Experiment is:
- Explore the Decontamination website together in your 3Cell
- Discover together which of you has contaminated their Adult Ego State with which other Ego States, and to what degree (from 5% to 95%).
- Each of you individually Take A Stand to do whatever it takes to Decontaminate your Adult Ego State.
- Begin the Decontamination processes with your 3Cell.
After making this agreement and beginning the Decontamination, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.19. Thank you.
Support Each Other In Your 3Cell To Go Through An Authentic Initiatory Process
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.20
Modern culture banished authentic adulthood initiations 6000 years ago. What that leaves us is global hierarchies in government, religion, military, business, medicine, agriculture, and education captured by uninitiated adolescents. By now this should be obvious.
The uninitiated are not our leaders.
No one can get initiated for you.
No one can stop you from getting initiated.
Each successful initiation changes the world.
This Experiment is to study the Initiations website together out loud with your 3Cell. Then support each other to choose one of the authentic adulthood initiatory processes and do it. Ideally you could all choose one of the Initiations and do it together.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.20. Thank you.
Use Your 3Cell To Translate PM Materials Into Other Languages
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.21
More and more people around the world are becoming interested in studying Possibility Management and making use of its upgraded Thoughtware, Tools, and Processes... but the information is not in their language.
You may have a bi-lingual 3Cell! Check it out with other! Which languages do you speak?
If your group is bi-lingual, there are so many materials that could be translated into other languages to benefit so many future Possibilitators, both young and old. For example:
- Further S.P.A.R.K.s could be translated.
- Possibility Management themed books could be translated.
- The Distinctionary.xyz could be translated.
- Websites from StartOver.xyz game could be translated.
- The Possibility Manager's Handbook could be translated.
- PM Thoughtmaps could be translated.
- PM Process Write-ups could be translated.
If your 3Cell would like to adopt and complete a PM translation project, please contact the PM Trainer Guild Infinity Ring Translation Node Spaceholder (at this time this is Anne-Chloé Destremau - annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com).
After completing any team translation project, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.21. Thank you.
Help Each Other In Your 3Cell Escape From The 8 Prisons
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.22
From birth on you are locked inside of a maximum security prison that is 8 layers deep. Modern culture does not explain this to you. In fact, you only function well in modern culture if you remain as an adaptive uninitiated adolescent who gives your Center and Authority away. Entering the world of Adulthood as yourself can only begin after exiting the 8 Prisons.
This Experiment is to read out loud together the 8 Prisons website, figure out which (if any...) of the prison escapes you each have already made (quite possible none...), and then support each other to build enough Matrix and make your next prison break, in reality, by going through the authentic adulthood initiatory process that facilitates this life-changing shift.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.22. Thank you.
Go Back Through The Eye Of The Needle From Patriarchy To Archiarchy
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.23
After doing Experiment 3CELLSxx.22 above, read through Eye Of The Needle website together out loud. Discuss its implications. Decide what you think about these ideas with regards to your life and your evolutionary journey. Answer these relevant questions:
- Where are each of you on the Path?
- What do you really want?
- What is next for you?
If it is time for any of you to exit the patriarchy and go through the Eye Of The Needle back into your original vision for life, to reclaim your original mission, then help that person arrange for this process to occur.
The actual process needs to be delivered by a Trainer at a Possibility Lab, or a Possibility Coach during a session.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.23. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Get It Together To Do Expand The Box Training Together
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.24
Outer change starts with inner change because most probably you learned how to survive in conditions that no longer apply.
Even if a decision is forgotten, it still shapes your life.
Without your knowing how, the Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware with the assumptions and thinking patterns that you adopted from your parents, your culture, and your education system could severely limit both the quality of your relationships and your ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of adult life.
If you wish to grow up and live full out, there is no avoiding the deep inner processes of examining - and possibly changing - your old decisions and beliefs.Expand The Box is a safe learning environment to do that. Here you work as a team to enter new territory and discover hidden fields of human possibility. The key to these discoveries lies in the extraordinary thoughtmaps, tools, techniques and transformational and healing processes of Possibility Management.
This Experiment is to do whatever it takes in your 3Cell that all of you participate in a full Expand The Box training.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.24. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Get It Together To Do 10 Possibility Labs Together
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.25
Human beings are designed for evolution and transformation, far beyond what modern culture has taught us. There are so many steps to take into territories and inner potentials to activate that we did not know we did not know about. There are so many surprising possibilities to gain for yourself so that you can give them to others. These things all happen in Possibility Labs.
This Experiment is to make a Pirate Agreement with each other to complete 10 Possibility Labs. This means to do whatever it takes to commit to each other's commitment to participate in a full series of Possibility Labs.
After making the agreement in this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.25. Thank you.
Formally Co-Create An Archiarchy Artabana Health Cooperative
Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.26
Modern health departments and health programs use a 2 Phase healing modality. The idea is that you are well (Phase 1), that you get sick (Phase 2), and it is the doctors' responsibility to make you well again (bring you back to Phase 1).
In next culture - archiarchy - citizens switch to 3 Phase Healing. You are well (Phase 1). A Liquid State comes in one or more of your 5 Bodies (Phase 2). The Liquid State is regarded and navigated as a Transformation Healing Process to reinvent who you are into something more evolved so that you learn and grow and become someone new (Phase 3).
Artabana is a globally networked health cooperative that replaces typical 'health insurance' policies.
Archiarchy Artabana is a a particular branch of the Artabana gameworld that is contexted in the distinctions, tools, thoughtware, and processes of Possibility Management (thoughtware for archiarchy).
This Experiment is to agree to include in the culture of your 3Cell the shift to Artabana, and to create a new Archiarchy Artabana group, or find and join another Archiarchy Artabana group.
After making the agreement in this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.26. Thank you.
Make Sure Everyone In Your 3Cell Knows How To Create A Vacuum Conflict Conversations
Experiment 3CELLSxx.27
Each person's Box acts like their own unique culture.
The Box is designed to defend itself against pressure, attack, ridicule, insult... often by attacking back.
The result of Box to Box conversations is the basis of war.
Not much learning happens in defensive survival states.
Now you can use the Vacuum Space in Rapid Learning.
The Box responds to Vacuum with vulnerability and openness, sharing and learning.
It is wonderful, and often miraculous to create a Vacuum Learning in Culture to Culture conversations.
This Experiment is to practice Vacuum Learning skills in your 3Cell until each person can elegantly create vacuums as if it is their second nature.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.27. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Open A Rage Club
Experiment 3CELLSxx.28
Each person has direct access to archetypal levels of energy to use for delivering their destiny and making the world a better place for everyone. Your access to archetypal energies is designed-in. Turning it on is part of your authentic adulthood initiations.
Anger, Sadness, Fear, Joy... are all energy. They await being Stellated - consciously activated and consciously directed.
We suggest you start with Stellating Rage. When you succeed, your Archetypal Warrioress / Warrior stands present for the rest of your life Holding Space for you to continue in your Evolution and to Stellate the more delicate feelings resources in Sadness (Lover/Communicator), Fear (Sorceress/Wizard), and Joy (Spacenavigator/Presencer).
Once you have Stellated your own Feelings you can Hold and Navigate Space for other people to Stellate their Feelings. That happens in Rage Club.
Stellating Feelings (not Emotions...) is how you come alive and regain your Real Voice.This Experiment is for your 3Cell to deliver a paid (80€ to 200€) online-or-offline Rage Club Series (4 - 10 sessions).
Your free Rage Club Handbook awaits you at rageclub.org. If you want a jump-start with your Rage Club... do the Expand The Box training.
After creating your first online-or-offline Rage Club, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.28. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Join Fridays For Future
Experiment 3CELLSxx.29
This Experiment is: with your 3Cell, study the videos and join the actions of Fridays For Future.
While there, empower other people in Fridays For Future to support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves, learning to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.29. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Connect In With The Pachamama Global Commons
Experiment 3CELLSxx.30
Connect in with the Pachamama Alliance Global Commons to share what you are creating and to see how you can collaborate with others.
This is a global community committed to transforming human systems and structures that separate us, and to transforming our relationships with ourselves, with one another, and with the natural world. We engage together in a spirit of inquiry and mutual support as we seek to expand our individual and collective capacity to create change in the world, because none of us is as smart as all of us.
- Participate in conference calls and online discussions to explore key issues of our times
- Access trainings and resources for leading Pachamama Alliance workshops
- Find people in your area
- Join groups with people around the world who share common interests
- Draw inspiration and receive support from a global community
While participating, empower other people in Pachamama Alliance to support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves, learning to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management.After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.30. Thank you.Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Stop Ecocide Now
Experiment 3CELLSxx.31
This Experiment is to become an 'Earth Protector'.
Study the videos and with your 3Cell take actions that make you an Earth Protector to Stop Ecocide.
While participating, empower other Earth Protectors to support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves, learning to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management. Also explain the 4 Lineages and the Earth Guardian lineage.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.31. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Upgrade The Thoughtware Of Extinction Rebellion
Experiment 3CELLSxx.32
With your 3Cell join the actions of Extinction Rebellion.
While there, empower other people in Extinction Rebellion to support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves, learning to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.32. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Each Day Find A New Way To Slay The Jabberwock
Experiment 3CELLSxx.33
Extinction Rebellion and Deep Green Resistance and Earth Guardian and Fridays For Future are not legal conflicts.
They are political insurgency.
The bad news is: As ruling systems try to suppress the insurgencies they engage in low-intensity warfare. In other words, we are already at war.
The good news is: The states don’t know how to win this war.
“No state has ever defeated an indigenous insurgency.” - Jerry Boyle
Extinction Rebellion recognizes that the center of world power doesn't reside in Washington or London or Moscow or Beijing anymore. It's in the executive suites and luxury resorts behind the global corporate hegemony. This protest dispenses with the middle men (governments) and goes straight after the real power to divest it of whatever credibility it still tries to claim.
The reason we are seeing this movement right now is because Capitalism, the last great ideological system, is in crisis. This isn't merely a crisis of outcomes (economic depression, financial panic, etc.). It's a crisis of BELIEF.
While people generally believe in the idea of capitalism, a critical mass of people now think that the global capitalist system we currently have is so badly run, so corrupt, so terrible at delivering results that it needs either A) a complete overhaul or B) to be replaced with something new - which equates to the same thing, because the Jabberwock cannot be overhauled. It cannot become anything other than a Jabberwock!
This Experiment is - with your 3Cell - to design and implement an action in your personal lifestyle that Slays the Jabberwock.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.33. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Help Deep Green Resistance Implement Decisive Ecological Warfare (DEW)
Experiment 3CELLSxx.34
Life... is bold.
Are you bold enough to live?
Modern culture is waging war against life on planet Earth.
What strategy matches the scope of the problem?
The world is at stake.
How do you fight off an occupying force?
When will you take action to implement Decisive Ecological Warfare (DEW) Strategy?
The natural world is the source of all life and it is being systematically destroyed by the dominant human culture.
The needs of human economy cannot be opposed to the needs of the natural world.
If aliens were waging war against nature, how far would you let them go before you acted against them to defend the Earth?
The planet needs you. You can join the struggle on the side of the living.
This Experiment is to listen intently with your 3Cell to this Podcast. Create personal lifestyle changes that fit your new sense of things. While implementing your lifestyle changes, Write An Article as the 3 of you in your 3Cell about what you learn about self-empowerment and self-authority regarding lifestyle changes.
When you article is published, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.34. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Get Into Beautiful Trouble
Experiment 3CELLSxx.35
Beautiful Trouble is a book, web toolbox and international network of artist-activist trainers whose mission is to make grassroots movements more creative and more effective.
Beautiful Trouble is a collaborative effort by 70 artist-activists-strategists and 10+ leading creative campaign organizations including the YesMen/YesLab, Ruckus Society, Other 98% and others.
Praised by Naomi Klein as “elegant and incendiary,” the book is being used by campaigns and classrooms across North America and Europe; it just sold its 10,000th copy, and has been translated into six languages. A beta of the web toolbox is online, and offers all the book content (and more) to the public under a creative commons license.
Who are we exactly? The people who came together to write Beautiful Trouble stayed together and became a community: an extraordinary alliance of artists, trainers and creative campaigners who continue to make, teach, and celebrate game-changing creative activism in several exciting ways...
This Experiment is to research together as your 3Cell and possibly visit Beautiful Trouble and - while participating - empower other Beautiful Trouble people to support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves, learning to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.35. Thank you.
Hit The Streets With Your 3Cell:
Experiment With Resources From Beautiful Rising
Experiment 3CELLSxx.36
Inspired by the concept of a 'pattern language', Beautiful Rising teases out the key elements of creative activism:
STORIES: Accounts of memorable actions and campaigns, analysing what worked, or didn’t, and why.
TACTICS: Specific forms of creative action, such as a flash mob or blockade.
PRINCIPLES: Time-tested guidelines for how to design successful actions and campaigns.
THEORIES: Big-picture ideas that help us understand how the world works and how we might change it.
METHODOLOGIES: Strategic frameworks and hands-on exercises to help you assess your situation and plan your campaign.
This Experiment is, while connecting and interacting with Beautiful Rising people, support each other's (r)evolution through creating a 3Cell for themselves to learn to implement the tools, distinctions, and thoughtmaps, and processes from Possibility Management.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.36. Thank you.
Inform Yourself About What Is Necessary To Actually Care For Life On Earth
Experiment 3CELLSxx.37
Human overshoot is temporarily hidden by burning fossil fuels. What this means is that about 7 billion of the people alive on Earth today would not live when fossil fuels have run out. We overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of planet Earth in mid 1970s.
The gruesome clarity about choosing to collapse industrial civilization on purpose or let it grind the planet into lifeless dust is shown at
This Experiment is to watch this video together as your 3Cell, and ask each other: Where is our loyalty? To life on Earth? Or to support the dominant culture?
Your actions don't lie. Re-design your lives to be regenerative.
Keep in mind that whoever 'they' are, they cannot hang all 300 million of us Cultural Creatives.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.37. Thank you.
Support Others By Making A 'Safe Circle'
Experiment 3CELLSxx.38
This Experiment is to learn what a 'Safe Circle' is, to connect personally with the Living Resilience organization, and to create a 'Safe Circle' for other people where your 3Cell members rotate being the Spaceholder.
During your Safe Circle meetings, call in all the hard questions. Navigate people to be able to Consciously Feel. You get to practice creating and Navigating Space. The Safe Circle members get to upgrade their thoughtware and learn new tools, distinctions, and processes for their conscious (r)evolution.
After your first Safe Circle meeting, please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.38. Thank you.
Create Doing An Avalon Meeting Together
Experiment 3CELLSxx.39
Like any transformational group work involving free expression and movement, the subtlety and power of the Avalon experience is difficult to capture.
Avalon has its own distinct flavor. Their workshops and retreats have a form but no rigid structure.
Instead they move through three foundational practices:
- The Pulse
- The Meeting
- The Debrief
This releases ways that we constrict ourselves and allows us to tap into the cosmic playfulness available when we flow with Life itself.
When we feel truly seen and accepted by others who offer unwavering presence and compassion, we access a light-heartedness and strength that fuel our highest purpose.
This Experiment is to work it out to participate in an Avalon Meeting where you can walk with others towards wholeness and freedom. Connect with Avalon on FaceBook: www.facebook.com/avalondharma
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.39. Thank you.
Get It Together So That Each Of You Creates The 10 Consequences Of Being On The Trainer Path
Experiment 3CELLSxx.40
This Experiment is to prepare each other in your 3Cell to shift, expand, and transform your life into Being A Trainer. The results of this decision are 10 Consequences that will automatically appear. Help each other to live the life of these New Results:
0. You have ended working for a corporation and have exited modern culture schooling systems (including University). You have Healed From School.
1. You are able to Consciously Feel and use your Feelings and Emotions to efficiently go through Emotional Healing Processes.
2. You are able to commit beyond your comfort zone. For example, you have committed to participated in 10 Possibility Labs and 5 Expand The Box Trainings.3. You hold and attend a regular weekly Possibility Team.
4. You hold space for a 3/3/3 Anger Team (followed by 3/3/3 Fear).
5. You enter a Week-Long Emotional Experiment Team, one time as one of the spaceholders, and one time as a Client. During the Week-Long Emotional Experiment, you go through or navigate space for Transformational Emotional Healing Processes for each and every emotion that comes to the surface.
6. You write one article or make one video or interview per month about your a distinction, a practice, an experiment, a thoughtmap, or a process.
7. You make your personal website listing Possibility Management as one of the contexts from which your work emerges.
8. You build Your Circle by sending out a regular Monthly Newsletter to feed and grow your circle ongoingly.
9. You prepare yourself to hold regular Rage Clubs by attending at least 2 Introductions to Rage Club, a Rage Club Series and eventually a Rage Club Spaceholder Training.
10. Your regularly deliver at least 2 paid Possibility Coaching sessions per week online-or-offline with Transformational Emotional Healing Processes. This helps you accomplish the 0. Consequence.
After completing this Experiment please open your free account at StartOver.xyz and register Matrix Code Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.40. Thank you.
3Cell Websites
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code 3CELLSxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!